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Accompanied by Tanta Cinta and a new set of magical abilities, Frey must uncover the answers and save Athia once more – and attempt to save herself. WE ALWAYS HAVE ACTIVATIONS (NO QUEUE) THE GAME WILL BE INSTALLED WITHOUT OTHER. Follow the crack status of all games and video game piracy news on Steam. Continuing her search for a way to eradicate the Break from Athia once and for all, Frey finds herself following a mysterious voice that leads her to a place that somehow transports her to the Purge of the Rheddig, the legendary battle that devastated Athia and eventually drove the Tantas to madness. You can easily download and launch the game on the day of its release.

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Los Angeles (March 29, 2023) – Today, Square Enix® announced that players will get to dive back into the lands of Athia as Frey Holland with the new story downloadable content (DLC), Forspoken™: In Tanta We Trust launching on for the PlayStation®5 (PS5™) console and PC via STEAM®, Epic Games Store, and the Microsoft Store.įorspoken: In Tanta We Trust story DLC will serve as a prequel to the main game and takes place 25 years prior the events of Forspoken. Business accounts can see all available data since 2014 and download it as a single Excel. FORSPOKEN: IN TANTA WE TRUST DLC LAUNCHING MAY 26 Battle Alongside Tanta Cinta and Venture Deeper into the World of Athia Revenue estimates, pricing and other Steam stats on Forspoken.

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